The Animals

   The Chickens

Here are our ladies, they are just starting to lay. We have 1 Americana, 2 Rhode Island Reds, 1 Barred Plymouth Rock, 2 Cochin Bantams. They were all hatched in March 2014. While the Bantams are the same age as the other 4, they are much smaller and the best of friends. They always run around in the run together. While all of our chickens are nice the Bantams might bite you if you try to take their best friend away otherwise if you can catch them none of them mind being held to much. Shawn, our oldest, makes sure they all have equal time being held.

The Turkey

Hatched June 2014. We have a narragansett hen. Our Hen is Patrick's best friend she loves to fly up and sit on his shoulder.

The Guinea

Hatched August 2014 we have 1 Guinea Fowl. She's a fast little bugger.

The Rooster

Picked up December 2014. He's full grown and tiny. This young man is small yet mighty he established dominance right away.

The Dog

This is Boone born Feb 2014. We got him from a shelter when he was 3 months old. He is a Bernese Mountain Dog Mix. He is very sweet but of course comes with all of the annoying habits of a puppy. He loves to chew on anything he can find (except his chew toys). And he thinks these things in the yard that fly are awesome and he wants to catch one really bad. So we have been taking a note from "Finding Nemo" and learning that "Chickens are friends not food."

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