Tuesday, May 12, 2015


I wanted to update you on our Garden Projects and show you how well our seedlings are doing out in the garden.

Here is a picture of our new trellis for Green beans and Peas, you can also see the plastic that we have put down between the beds to get rid of the grass. We haven't gotten rocks put down yet but it is a start.

The Cucumbers are growing nicely

Peas, Lettuce and Green beans have all sprouted.

The Zucchini are getting bigger. We haven't ever grown Zucchini before so this is a new experience. I have done some research and there are different methods to growing them. 
1. just letting them grow as they please.
2. growing them vertically. whether that be using a tomato cage or stakes.
I am going to have to pick one soon because they are growing fast.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Garden Problems

Ok so here are a couple of garden problems that we are trying to fix this year.

1. That Pesky Grass

As you can see in this picture of our strawberry bed from last year the grass between the beds gets unruly and is quite the pain in the butt. Keeping up with Mowing between them and then weed eating, just so you can get to your plants, waists all of the time you could be gardening.

Anyway I found a couple of pictures on Pinterest and went "WOW, why didn't I think of that?"

Now you cant tell me that doesn't look like a more fun place to be.

So we started by laying down this plastic barrier between the beds. Hopefully this will block off all of the grass from growing in between the beds so we can lay down rocks.

2. Unhappy Green Beans

So here is another picture of our garden from last year. We planted Green Beans all along he trellis. Some of them did quite well and other were blocked by the corn and didn't get much light. also when they did get going good they ran out of trellis.

 So another Pinterest solution an archway!

So I am putting my arch from one side of the bed to the other instead of over the isle. While taking a note from another Pinterest idea and using the space underneath to grow lettuce, which likes the shade.

Wish us luck. I'll post more pictures as we get farther along!

Friday, May 1, 2015


We let all three ducks out for an adventure thinking we would bring them back in after a day or two. Well we got two of them in but this little lady has a mind of her own. She doesn't want any part of it. I've tried catching her, opening the gate and hearding her, leaving the coop open with food inside and me nowhere close so she could get in on her own and none of them seem to be working. Now I don't mind her being in the pond but she comes up and talks to her duck friends and does laps around the run like she wants in but she won't let me help her. We have been at this for a couple weeks now. If you get too close she flies back to the pond. 

She has got me stumped.