Monday, April 27, 2015

The Guineas are Laying

Yeah ok, I probably should have realized this before now, but I hadn't. See I had heard that Guinea fowl like to lay outside in brush and are very protective of their eggs, yadda, yadda and so I guess I just didn't think they would have been laying inside the coop with the rest of the birds. Not to mention both of our guinea are female so I guess they are probably smart enough to know they aren't fertile.

I had even noticed their eggs to be a little different and was wondering which one of my chickens was laying them. as you know we have several Partridge Cochin bantams and an old English bantam so I was expecting little eggs from them and figured one of them was just laying a slightly different shape anyway I saw one of the Guineas in a nesting box the other day and got the bright idea to google Guinea fowl eggs and there they were and I went wow DUH.

So there you have it.
This is a constant learning process for me.
And now I know all of my ladies are laying.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Moving On Up

Well I noticed that our chicks were just getting too big for the rabbit cage I had them in. I knew I needed to move them, but our little white chick just wasn't quite big enough due to the Pasty Butt experience. 

See the next step is for them to move into the brooder, which is out in the chicken coop. Which isn't a bad place to be especially when we kept a heater on in the winter, but we haven't done that since spring started and I knew that our Missouri spring nights would just be too cold for a girl without all of her feathers. 

I didn't want to move everyone else and leave her behind, so I waited a little longer than I normally would have to move them out to the brooder. Well once she had more feathers we moved them all out, and I have to tell you it wasn't a minute too soon because bigger birds mean more poop and a stinkier living environment for all of us. 
They have twice as much room now, so I'm pretty sure they are happier.
Now it's time for the big chickens to get to know the chicks a little before they have to start sharing space. We want the transition to go as smoothly as possible.

I don't know if it is just our flock or if all birds are only bothered by others of the same species but it seems that chickens only care about pecking order with chickens the fact that there are Guinea Fowl, Turkey and Ducks all living with them just doesn't seem to matter.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

What? Butts

Ok so as you guys know we have 12 healthy little fluffy additions to our little farm that just happen to be living in the house with us for the time being. Well one Sunday I took them out in the yard to see grass. Which by the way is the coolest thing ever to a chick that lives inside a house, and I noticed 4 or 5 pasty butts (yes that is a technical term).

So what is pasty butt? Well that is when their droppings get stuck in their fluff instead of falling to the ground and it clogs up the works like a cork. Problem is its fatal so yea you have to clean the poop off their rears.

So what do you do about it? You stick them in some water to let it soften up and wipe it off gently now make sure it's warm or the poor little things could freeze to death.

Ok so back to what happened on our adventure outside. We got out a tub and had a chicken bath.  I cleaned them off and about a week one little chick had it again. This time was the Hubby's turn to clean. Anyway we haven't had any problems since then and they are all growing.

Tip: If your chick already has its wing feathers and has a tendency to fly then you might do it in a bath tub or a storage tub with higher sides because they will not keep their butts in the water where they need to be for this to work.