Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Food Preservation

So as you guys know we have been working on preserving foods. We have been dabbling in canning. 
and Dehydration.
Well for Christmas we got a vacuum sealer. I am ready to kiss freezer burn good bye. :-*
 We also got our deep freeze moved over from the old house and set up.
I cant wait to fill 'er up! The freezer in our kitchen was so full that if you shut the fridge too hard the freezer door would pop open. I moved all the stuff we don't need in there out. There is so much room I can even have ice again! The freezer has been to full since Patrick brought home the deer.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Cold Weather

I have never hated cold weather and snow so much in my life as I do now that we have chickens. Don't get me wrong I think it's pretty and I like snow days but...
I love in the summer when you can let the chickens out and I can watch them from the Kitchen window and all of the happy clucking and pecking. However I do NOT like going outside in negative deg weather to let them out / feed them. 

Even though they can leave their coop they don't and they don't like the weather anymore than I do. Cold winds, Frozen water, snow = cold chicken feet. Nope I don't think any of us are happy about this.

I have never been so happy for mid 30 degree weather in my life. We have even gotten some 50's and 60's the last few days we are not going to be happy when this ends :(

Is it Spring yet?