Monday, November 3, 2014

First eggs of the year

Well two of our teenagers have started laying, which I guess means they have moved on to be adult chickens. I guess I will just start referring to them as the hens. We haven't had eggs in gosh 3 or 4 months so this is really exciting for us. I don't think that we have bought eggs but maybe once during this period, so this is providing a large change in our diets. 
We still have four ladies that haven't started laying yet so hopefully we will have even more soon.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Turkey with sinus infection

So I went out to check on the birds one day and this guy had a swollen face. Of course I had to Google turkey with a swollen face and decided that he had a sinus infection, they all had runny noses and were sneezing.

After some research Patrick found out we needed Tylan 50 and 3cc needles. we had to hold him up side down with his feet in the air and inject it on his breast right below his skin. 

He is not completely better yet but the swelling in his face has gone down enough that he can see out of that eye again.