Tuesday, June 25, 2013


We also got Ducks when we got the Chickens. Shawn (our oldest) and I just couldn't get over how cute they were and so we got 3, 1 for each boy. The yellow one is a Pekin Duck and the two brown ones are Mallards. 

We really didn't buy these gals for production of any kind just as farm pets.


After we acquired the land and home to start our homesteading adventure, we went on to the next logical step. Chickens! We were excited to get some new members of the family, I honestly couldn't tell you who was more excited Patrick, the boys or I. They are the first step to us being self sufficient, and a lot of fun. 
I was a little worried about different breads not getting along so we got two of each breed just so everyone had a buddy. As we stood in the feed store looking at all the cute babies I couldn't just get one or two so we ended up with four breeds and eight chickens. Americanas, New Hampshire Reds, Black Astralorps, and Brown Leghorns.

Three of our gals after we brought them home. I am guessing 1 week old

3 weeks

4 weeks

5 weeks
I can't believe how fast chicken's grow. They will being laying hens before I know it. We love eggs and we always buy the local farm fresh eggs at the store, which of course cost a lot more than the typical carton of eggs. Patrick is always excited when he picks up that carton of brown eggs and he looks in and they are all different shades and sizes. Well soon we will be able to do that same thing, but in our own home. I look forward to finding white, brown and blue eggs in the coop!

I wont lie I love chicken meat however these are my babies. We have had them in the house for 4 weeks now and I will NEVER cut off their little heads. I just cant do that, and even if it needs to be done, I am pretty sure that Patrick will have to be the brave soul.

Oh and one of my favorite perks about Chickens, they LOVE to eat ticks. We have been having a problem with them this year and I find them constantly, but fortunately so do the girls. I am hoping that as they get bigger the tick poplulation will get smaller!

Monday, June 17, 2013


My name is Patrick Rutherford, I have a wonderful wife and 3 kids, 2 being mine from a previous marriage and 1 being hers from a previous marriage. Recently we were offered a great opportunity to get a little piece of land from her family. It’s not much but it does give us everything we need to start a long time dream of mine, building a mostly self-sufficient modern homestead. This will be our story of building and the adjustment from a fast-food city life. I hope we can keep up with this and can share our mistakes and success so other people can learn from them.